"Title","Author","ISBN" "Beyond the Burning Time","Lasky, Kathryn","059047331X" "Day They Came to Arrest the Book, The","Hentoff, Nat","0440918146" "Gold Cadillac, The","Taylor, Mildred D.","0803703422" "I Am the Cheese","Cormier, Robert","0394834623" "Journal of Ben Uchida, The: Citizen 13559 Mirror Lake Internment Camp","Denenberg, Barry","0590485318" "Journey to Topaz: A Story of the Japanese-American Evacuation","Uchida, Yoshiko","0684124971" "Landry News, The","Clements, Andrew","0689828683" "Last Safe Place on Earth, The","Peck, Richard","0385320523" "Monster","Myers, Walter Dean","0064407314" "Printer's Apprentice, The","Krensky, Stephen","0385446314" "Scorpions","Myers, Walter Dean","0060243643" "Shh! We're Writing the Constitution","Fritz, Jean","0399214038" "Through My Eyes","Bridges, Ruby","0590189239" "True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The","Avi","0545477115" "Under the Blood Red Sun","Salisbury, Graham","038532099X" "Nothing But the Truth: A Documentary Novel","Avi","038071907X" "Rifles for Watie","Keith, Harold","0786268964" "Fighting Ground, The","Avi","0064401855" "Twelve Shots: Outstanding Short Stories about Guns","Mazer, Harry","0385322380" "Journey, The: Japanese Americans, Racism and Renewal","Hamanaka, Sheila","0531084493" "Making Up Megaboy","Walter, Virginia","0789424886" "Can You Sue Your Parents for Malpractice?","Danziger, Paula","0698116887" "Sleds on Boston Common: A Story from the American Revolution","Borden, Louise","0689828128" "Long Way to Go, A: A Story of Women's Right to Vote","Oneal, Zibby","0140329501" "Kids' Guide to America's Bill of Rights, A: Curfews, Censorship, and the 100-Pound Giant","Krull, Kathleen","0380974975" "God and Government: The Seperation of Church and State","Weiss, Ann E.","0395549779" "Paper Trail","Gilbert, Barbara Snow","1886910448" "Great Little Madison, The","Fritz, Jean","0613079027" "Hunter and the Animals, The: A Wordless Picture Book","dePaola, Tomie","0823403971" "Voice of the People, The: American Democracy in Action","Maestro, Betsy","068810679X"