"Title","Author","ISBN" "Corpses, Coffins and Crypts: A History of Burial","Colman, Penny","0805050663" "How to Make a Mummy Talk","Deem, James M.","0395624274" "Mummies Made in Egypt","Aliki","0064460118" "Breaking Ground, Breaking Silence: The Story of New York's African Burial Ground","Hansen, Joyce","0805050124" "Emperor's Silent Army, The: Terracotta Warriors of Ancient China","O'Connor, Jane","0670035122" "5,000-Year-Old Puzzle","Logan, Claudia","0374323356" "Archeology","McIntosh, Jane R.","0789458640" "Mummies, Gods & Pharaohs","Petras, Kathryn","0761117571" "Egyptian Mummies: People from the Past","Pemberton, Delia","0152026002" "Bury the Dead: Tombs, Corpses, Mummies, Skeletons, & Rituals","Sloan, Christopher","0792271920" "Discovering the Inca Ice Maiden","Reinhard, Johan","0792271424" "Bodies from the Bog","Deem, James M.","0618354026" "Mummies & their Mysteries","Wilcox, Charlotte","0876147678"