"Title","Author","ISBN" "Bark, George","Feiffer, Jules","0062051857" "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom","Martin, Bill, Jr.","067167949X" "Click!","Crum, Shutta","1550050745" "Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash, The","Noble, Trinka Hakes","0803717237" "Doorbell Rang, The","Hutchins, Pat","0688052517" "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie","Numeroff, Laura","0060245867" "Meanwhile Back at the Ranch","Noble, Trinka Hakes","0140545646" "Saving Sweetness","Stanley, Diane","0698117670" "Something from Nothing","Gilman, Phoebe","0590472801" "Three Pigs, The","Wiesner, David","0618007016" "Trashy Town","Zimmerman, Andrea","0060271396" "Very Hungry Caterpillar, The","Carle, Eric","0399213015" "Kamishibai Man","Say, Allen","0618479546" "Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum","Wheeler, Lisa","0316988944" "Every Autumn Comes the Bear","Arnosky, Jim","0698114051" "My Little Sister Ate One Hare","Grossman, Bill","0517596008" "Tailypo, The: A Ghost Story","Galdone, Joanna","0395300843" "In Enzo's Splendid Garden","Polacco, Patricia","0399231072" "This Is the Teacher","Greene, Rhonda Gowler","0525471251" "Cake That Mack Ate, The","Robart, Rose","0316748919" "Biggest Soap, The","Schaefer, Carole Lexa","0374306907" "Mushroom in the Rain, The","Ginsburg, Mirra","0689714416" "Just Like Daddy","Asch, Frank","0671664573" "Craft Lessons","Fletcher, Ralph","1571100733" "Deep Revision: A Guide for Teachers, Students, and Other Writers","Willis, Meredith Sue","0915924412" "Company's Coming","Yorinks, Arthur","0786805005"