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Diwali! Festival of Lights

Diwali! Festival of Lights

Diwali, also spelled Divali, is a major holiday and five day long festival celebrated by Hindus and many non-Hindus as well, in India where it originated, and beyond. This year, Diwali is celebrated October 21-27th. Here are some resources to share in your learning spaces to encourage students to learn more and celebrate this holiday.

  • Learn about how author Chitra Soundar celebrated Diwali with her family and how she was inspired to write Shubh Diwali! in this video interview.

  • Explore this activity kit for Archie Celebrates Diwali to prompt discussion about holidays your students may celebrate, to play some games, and to even try a recipe! Find additional questions to expand on the book in this discussion guide.

  • Watch this Video Book Trailer for Binny’s Diwali about Binny sharing the holiday with her classmates and inviting them to learn and celebrate together. Ask your students, what is one thing about a holiday they celebrate that they would like to share with others?

  • Make Diwali streamers together with this craft activity for Binny’s Diwali.

  • Share this drawing activity for Binny's Diwali with students, so they can use their creativity to imagine what they would fill gift baskets with for their family and friends, and reflect on the importance of family and friends during this holiday.