Sharing Tools: Instantly Impact Readers

Use this share arrow, found on every webpage, to give others direct access to specific TeachingBooks pages and resources. Sharing with this tool provides immediate access. No sign in required.

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Provide students with links to the titles they are reading

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Build interest in shelf displays and featured texts

Use QR flyers, shelf talkers, and labels within books or as interactive displays giving students access to resources on mobile devices.

Learn about Author's Purpose while reading the book

Use shelf talkers and bookmarks to connect students with authors and illustrators as they browse the shelves and when they open a book.

Draw families into the literacy experience

After reading a book with students, email an author movie or interview directly to families.

Save time by adding resources and lesson plans to digital calendars

Add lesson plans and recommended title and author resources directly to your shared calendar.

Post to Google Classroom

Use resources from TeachingBooks in your Google Classroom lessons.

Recommend resources to enrich your community network

Share resources through social media with your community.

NOTE: The Sharing Tools give instant access — no signin, username/password or navigation required.